Nandy Castle

Nandy Castle

Admin Admin February 12, 2023 0 Comments Place to Visit

Use in audiovisual

It has been used as a film set, notably for the films The Gorilla Bit the Archbishop in 1962, The Gendarme on a Walk in 1970 2 , Arsène Lupin in 2004, The Aristos in 2006 and The Return of the Hero in 2018. It has was also used for the filming of a Pascal Obispo clip in 2016 3 . The film The situation is serious but… not hopeless! by Jacques Besnard was also shot there in 1976.

The castle is also the setting, each week, of the final broadcast of 4 Weddings for a Honeymoon . The participants view the comments and the marks attributed by their adversaries during the week which has passed in one of the salons of the castle, each in turn. They confront each other on the porch in relation to what they have watched. After which a saloon with the winner’s husband inside goes up the east aisle of the castle and reveals the couple winning the honeymoon .


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